Jennifer McCrea: Infusing money with values

Jennifer McCrea is a Senior Research Fellow at the Hauser Institute for Civil Society at Harvard University and the co-founder and CEO of Born Free Africa, an initiative of the Millennium Development Goals Health Alliance that brings private sector resources and expertise to the goal of eradicating mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015. For the past 27 years, she has partnered with philanthropists, board members and nonprofit leaders to think more creatively and collaboratively about ways in which to align strategic direction and resources.


Fiery Cushman: Studying Harm

Fiery Cushman

Fiery Cushman studies the human capacity for moral judgment and behavior.

His research spans cognitive, neural, developmental and evolutionary approaches to this topic. It also serves as a platform to address more basic questions about the psychological mechanisms that make Homo sapiens stand apart dramatically from the other 8.5 million species on earth.

more at: Moral Psychology Research Lab

David DeSteno: Compassion Science

David DeSteno directs the Social Emotions Lab at Northeastern University where his research is pulling back the curtain to reveal some of the mechanics that drive human compassion. “It is not the severity or the objective facts of a disaster that motivate us to feel compassion and to help. It is whether or not we see ourselves in the victims.”