Think Events with Google: The future of life online

ThinkTech with Google

Smartphones, tablets, and TVs — oh my! It seems every day a new device hits the market, providing consumers with even more options to stay connected. As a result, consumers are increasingly sophisticated in the ways in which they engage with media. Advances in technology have uncovered new ways to communicate, inform, and transact — how can marketers maintain a strong consumer connection as consumption habits and purchase decisions shift amidst an ever-changing marketplace? Are you sending the right signals to reach your customers?

Over the last several weeks, the Alphachimp Team has had the pleasure of supporting these gathering of media partners and major marketers at Google New York office.

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Visions of the Future from Google Zeitgeist

The welcome sign is made from hundreds of Rubic's Cubes.

As the world emerges from a challenging economic environment, the organizers of this conference believe a change in perspective is needed. This belief has led to the theme for Zeitgeist 2010: Mindshift.

This year, the Zeitgeist community took a look at how shifts in thinking have rippled through all aspects of the world. Alphachimp Studio Inc. was invited to graphically capture content clustered in six themes: Opportunity, Lead, Catalyst, Innovate, Unite, Renew.

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